Spiritual Healing is a method of treating disease by spiritual means. This contrary to what most people think does not mean you cannot be treated by conventional means as well. Many people today when facing illness or treating illness have a more holistic view of treatments in relation to illness. This includes the practice of spiritual healing. The healer transmits energy from a source outside of themselves to the people in need of the spiritual healing. Spiritual healing is also called shamanistic healing or psychic healing. The healing usually occurs through the hands of the healer. This can be with our without actual physical contact.
Sometimes a person will still be sick after a spiritual healing session. But you may notice a change in their attitude towards their illness. They may be sick but appear more empowered. This is also a type of healing. Also you see a dying individual who has had spiritual healing at total peace. They are ready to go into the next world without fear. This is a spiritual preparation as well and just as important as a healing experience.
The power of the mind plays an important role in spiritual healing. If you have faith in the process it will help to heal. It’s as simple as that. If you are resistant from the beginning to the end in a spiritual healing session it will not work because your mind is blocking the energy. During spiritual healing treatments one can actually feel heat coming from the healer’s hands. In addition when one is being touched by a healer, they can feel things like a drawing sensation, tingling, pins and needles and even light headed. Afterwards one feels very peaceful and even sleepy. This is an indication that there was some divine energy utilized. I am of the belief that there is always more than one way to skin a cat. I believe there is no conflict between going to a doctor and utilizing one’s spiritual beliefs to maintain one’s health. I do it for my family and myself all the time.
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